
Blind Ambition would like to thank our supporters who without, we would not have been able to make the steps we have made today. 

Advance are a leading employment service provider who have received funding from the department of work and pensions to encourage the employment of disabled people. We have worked alongside them to employ a number of our service users on a 6-month paid placement with an aim to continue their employment afterwards.

Advance and their support team have been very helpful in offering training to ensure our service users are ready for employment and have developed a skill set to help them in a work based environment. A lot of our service users struggled with finding employment and for many of them, this was their first real opportunity to seek an active job role. We offered roles in a supportive environment in which our employees were able to develop their skill set and have training in the day to day life of a new organisation. It would not have been financially sustainable for Blind Ambition to offer such roles if it was not for the funding offered by Advance, especially in the early stages of our charity being established.

We have now successfully trained several of our service users and worked alongside them to ensure their employability skills are to a higher standard. We’ve seen a dramatic change in their confidence, communication skills and shrewdness and hope that this is the first step in our long journey of employment and rehabilitation.

Blind Ambition just recently took part in our first residential at Kingswood residential centre in Dearne Valley. This was a huge success for our service users, service providers and volunteers. We all took part in teambuilding activities and had great fun! Some of our service users managed to face their fear of heights and took part in challenges they initially found to be intimidating. Our volunteers were given an insight into the lives of people living with sightless and worked together to help our service users overcome barriers. For many of those who took part, this was their first time staying away from home and this experience offered a chance to gain their independence. We would like to thank Kingswood residential centre who made it possible for us to take part in challenges and activities suited to the needs of our service users and who were nothing but supportive for the entirety of the trip. As a result of the success of this residential, BA has proposed to offer this trip to our service users every year. This residential was a big step forward for Blind Ambition and could not have been done without the support of St Peters Urban Village Trust who provided funding for BA to offer this to our service users. 

St Peters Housing Association

St Peters (Saltley) Housing Association offers us a hall on a weekly basis for our social group sessions. These are held on a Tuesday between 11:00 a.m. - 16:00 p.m. These groups allow our service users to meet new people, socialise and breakdown any communication and confidence barriers. They have supported us right from the beginning and helped us achieve some of our goals as a charity.

To view the websites of our supporters, follow the links below:

St Peters Urban Village Trust

St Peters (Saltley) Housing Association Ltd

Copyright © 2025 Blind Ambition. All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity Number: 1172483